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Simple to use

The King James Bible is easy to use and is available online for FREE to everyone.

Read the English King James Bible online via your mobile, tablet or desktop browser.




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Alternative 1

Start by choosing the Old or New Testament without clicking on the link in the menu at the top of the page; then select the book from the drop-down list that appears and start reading.

Alternative 2

It is also possible to tap directly on the Old or New Testament without the drop-down list appearing, then scroll down the page that opens to select a book using the mobile-friendly buttons.

Alternative 3

Or, if you are simply tired of all the information and just want to get started quickly, select the Old or New Testament by pressing one of the buttons below, then choose a book and start reading.


On your computer or tablet, open two windows in your browser, with the English and Swedish King James Bible, side by side, and compare and study.

About the King James Bible

Läs Bibeln

The Authorized Version (AV 1611)

The English King James Bible is translated from the original languages: and with the former translations it has been diligently compared and revised, by his Majesty's special command. And is appointed to be read in the Churches.

God has preserved his word

"The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever." - Psa. 12:6-7.

Why read the King James Bible?

(or its equivalent in other languages)

The KJB is based on the Majority text.

The English King James Bible is compiled from the correct manuscript source, translated from the original Greek text: and has been diligently compared and revised with the former translations, by his Majesty's special command, and is appointed to be read in the Churches.

The Majority Text which geographically originates from Syria, Antioch comprises about 99% of the over 5,000 surviving manuscripts that exist today. These manuscripts have a high degree of consistency with each other unlike the Minority Text.

The KJB has a complete Bible text.


In the King James Bible, all words and verses are preserved. The King James Bible is not missing parts of verses; or is full of holes where verses are missing completely, as it is in corrupt Bibles. Is your Bible missing words or verses?

Compare the SKJVB and KJB with your Bible, look up the verses below:

Acts. 8:37, Jn. 5:4, 7:53, 8:1-11, Mar. 9:44, 46, 16:9-20. Matt 17:21, 18:11, Rom 16:24, 1Th 5:28, 1John 5:7.

The KJB is a Bible that creates faith, not doubt.

The KJB is a proven and preserved Bible text since 1611.


KJB - a Bible that is unchanged in doctrine since 1611 and has produced more fruit for the Lord than any other Bible (for over 400 years).

Preserved biblical text

The KJB is God-inspired and God-breathed; absolutely infallible. This is the preserved and living word of God: The Holy Bible.


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About your interest in a printed edition of the Swedish KJV Bible, New Testament.

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NOTE! The image is for illustration purposes only.